Tour Bangkok Legacies blog

By Eric Lim

Tour Bangkok Legacies blog is a web blog of this historical travel website and do-it-yourself guide for independent travelers to Bangkok.

About the Tour Bangkok Legacies blog

This blog keeps readers informed of

  • the latest content pages added to Tour Bangkok Legacies,
  • updates and changes to existing web pages,
  • news and developments affecting historical sites in Bangkok and Thailand,
  • anniversaries of momentous events in Thai history and
  • Thai cultural festivals.
  • New editions to our monthly e-zine Bangkok Travelbug which covers the various provinces in Thailand

The blog serves as a window to the latest content added or changes made to this web site and access these pages quickly. At a quick glance you will be able to focus on the areas you are interested in.

  • Explore old traditional Thai homes that are now heritage museums
  • Visit quaint museums that preserve the memories of old communities and their way of life
  • Visit old communities that are still striving today though some are in danger of disappearing
  • Admire the intricate workmanship of Thai craftsman who have dedicated their lives to their craft
  • Marvel at the spectacular palaces and monuments that serve as a legacy of a bygone age
  • Visit the various old places of worship to appreciate the religious and cultural harmony in a diverse society.

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Please feel free to send us your comments and feedback. We look forward to your feedback. We hope you enjoy reading our blog as much as we enjoyed putting it up.

The items below are presented in order of the latest events and updates on the website. So join us as we take you on this historical journey through Bangkok and other parts of Thailand as well.

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Wish granting in Singapore temple

Hi all, I tried praying in some Thai temples in Singapore but my wishes haven’t been granted thus far. May I check how I pray and talk to Lord Brahma

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Prayer for Funding of my Business Venture

O most high Phra Prom! Hail! I pray to and seek refuge with you, asking sincerely for blessing and guidance. I pray for the success of my business endeavors

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Hi from London England.

Been visiting wonderful Thailand since 1981. Best holiday country in the world. Wonderful culture, warm people and Singha beer. So sad the old Chatuchak

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Greetings from Singapore

Singaporean here! Just wanted to say you write very well! If only your dad saw that you could've made money from your skill haha! Nonetheless your website

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Exploring rural Aranyaprathet

5 Nov 21

Dear friends and readers, welcome back to the Bangkok Travelbug 2021. I trust all of you are safe and well. This month we take a trip to Aranyaprathet, a district in Sa Kaeo Province that's right on Thailand's eastern border with Cambodia.

Food vendor in Aranyaprathet

Join us as we take you on a virtual tour of rural Aranyaprathet.

A building on a farm

For more, please see, Exploring rural Aranyaprathet

Read what other subscribers have said about us, and subscribe to the Bangkok Travelbug.

Next month – Khmer sanctuaries in Sa Kaeo

Bangkok’s Hidden Treasures – the other faces of Bangkok

This is my third e-book which is a journal on my travels in Bangkok from late 2011 to early 2018. It’s a journey to the less travelled and lesser-known places in Bangkok, places that are treasure troves of history, art and culture of the diverse communities that make up Bangkok and Thailand.

This journey will take us from the rice fields of Nong Chok near the eastern city limits of Bangkok across the city to the canals in Thawi Wattana in the west.

Let's uncover these gems in Bangkok's hidden treasures together.

Copyright@2008-2021 Tour Bangkok Legacies
All rights reserved

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Thanks Eric

I love your travelogues. I remember the 1970-75 disturbances. We lived in Singapore from 1970-75, husband working in the SAF. It's nice to know how things

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Bangkok Legacies Bookstore – an update

8 Oct 21

Dear friends & readers,

Welcome back to the Bangkok Travelbug 2021. I trust all of you are safe and well. With the Covid 19 situation deteriorating since April, we have refrained from traveling to the other provinces.

During this lull in traveling, I took the opportunity to publish my third e-book, update my first and second e-books and paperback and republished them. Here's what’s new in our Bangkok Legacies Bookstore and what you can expect in the coming months.

In this issue of the Bangkok Travelbug, I've summarised everything about my books for easy reference for readers. Hope you like it.

Bangkok Legacies Bookstore

Happy reading!

For more please see the permalink.

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Bangkok series in Amazon books

2 Sep 21

Dear friends & readers

I've packaged my two e-book editions and one paperback editionon Bangkok into a series entitled "Bangkok". The three books in this series are:

Tour Bangkok Legacies – e-book

Bangkok's Hidden Treasures

This helps readers locate all my books on Bangkok on one web page.

My Bangkok series

Happy reading!

For more please see the permalink.

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Bangkok Mass Rapid Transit – SRT Red Line

18 Aug 21

The State Railway of Thailand (SRT) Red Line commenced operations in 2 August 2021 with free services until November 2021. This service links the northern and western suburbs of Bangkok to the city centre.

From Bang Sue Grand, commuters can connect to the MRT Blue Line. The SRT Red Line consists of two lines starting from Bang Sue Grand.

North Line Dark Red Line covering 26.4 km with 10 stations from Bang Sue Grand to Rangsit.

West Line Light Red Line covering 14.6 km 3 stations from Bang Sue Grand, to Taling Chan

Service hours

0600 – 2000 hours every day

Ticketing 12 – 42 baht

Bangkok's Hidden Treasures – the other faces of Bangkok

This is a journal of my travels in Bangkok from late 2011 to early 2018. It’s a journey to the less traveled and lesser-known places in Bangkok, places that are treasure troves of history, art and culture of the diverse communities that make up Bangkok and Thailand.

This journey will take us from the rice fields of Nong Chok near the eastern city limits of Bangkok across the city to the canals in Thawi Wattana in the west.

In the course of this journey, we will encounter old community museums, collectors' museums, house museums all of which preserve the history of communities, and their way of life in bygone eras.

Let's uncover these gems in Bangkok's hidden treasures together.

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Tour Bangkok Legacies Paperback 50% off

11 August 21

I've just republished the paperback edition of Tour Bangkok Legacies, a historical travel guide book for the independent traveler. When I first published my paperback edition in March 2019, I used premium color for printing the book. The printing cost and subsequent book price were prohibitive!

Since then, Kindle has come out with a standard color option which reduces the printing cost by half! I can now sell the book at half of the former price!

The second reason for republishing this paperback was the increase in the Mass Rapid Transit lines since I first wrote the original draft in 2014. The MRT lines back then were a fraction of what they are today.

Many of the places mentioned in my book can now be accessed by MRT making it more convenient for the independent traveler.

My Kindle paperback edition

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Bangkok Legacies Bookstore – buy books online

25 July 21

Welcome to the Bangkok Legacies Bookstore, our online bookstore which features the books I have published both on Kindle and Smashwords in the course of my travels in Bangkok and Thailand.

These books are e-guide books for independent travelers to explore Bangkok and Thailand on their own. Or if they choose to, they can do a virtual tour from the comforts of their armchairs at home to share in my travel experiences.

There's a new addition to our bookstore. Come take a look and enjoy a different online shopping experience.

Bangkok Legacies Bookstore

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Bangkok’s Hidden Treasures – the other faces of Bangkok

23 July 21

Book Description

This is my third e-book and it covers my travels in Bangkok from late 2011 to early 2018. It’s a journey to the less traveled and lesser-known places in Bangkok, places that are treasure troves of history, art and culture of the diverse communities that make up Bangkok and Thailand.

This journey will take us from the rice fields of Nong Chok near the eastern city limits of Bangkok across the city to the canals in Thawi Wattana in the west.

In the course of this journey, we will encounter old community museums, collectors' museums, house museums all of which preserve the history of communities, and their way of life in bygone eras.

We will visit an old community that dates back to the reign of King Taksin in 1769 and whose members are descendants of the early Portuguese in old Siam.

Dine at a quaint old restaurant tucked away on the banks of a canal in an area that is only accessible on foot.

Visit a very special community that can only be accessed on foot or by boat. It is virtually cut off from all vehicular traffic making it a virtual island in an urban sea!

Take an armchair tour and join me as we uncover these gems in Bangkok's hidden treasures together.

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Book Description - My Journey Through Thailand Part I The First Steps

11 July 21

Book Description - my second e-book, My Journey Through Thailand – Part I The First Steps

My Journey through Thailand Part I is the first in the series of travel journals on my trips to explore the various provinces in Thailand from late 2009 to mid-2013.

This journey takes you to places that bore silent witness to momentous battles decades and centuries ago that changed the course of history. View vast cultural monuments that are legacies of individuals who left their mark in society long after they have gone.

Meet artists, craftsmen and craftswomen who produced exquisite pieces of art. They did this not for fame or wealth but for the love of their craft. Meet farmers who toiled their land to produce the food that we eat. Visit the home province of the father of Thailand’s greatest poet, a scenic place which must have inspired the poet to pen his most famous poem.

Marvel at the cultural and ethnic diversity of the places in this journey that was once at the crossroads of major civilizations more than a thousand years ago; China and India, the Khmer Empire based in present day Cambodia and the Lan Chang Kingdom based in present day Laos.

The result is a rich cultural and ethnic mix which is reflected in the architecture, dialects, dress, handicraft, festivals and customs.

Step into the humble home of a man who sought refuge in Thailand, a man who was a fugitive in his own country occupied by a colonial power, a man who struggled his entire life for the freedom and unity of his homeland.

Please join me as I take these first steps in my journey through Thailand.

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Book Cover - My Journey Through Thailand Part I The First Steps

10 July 21

the cover to my second e-book, My Journey Through Thailand – Part I The First Steps depicts the Battle of Nong Sarai when Siamese forces under King Naresuan defeated the Burmese in January 1593.

This battle was reenacted in the final event of the Surin Annual Elephant Roundup which I visited in November 2012.

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Updated edition – My Journey Through Thailand Part I The First Steps

1 July 21

I've updated the contents of my second e-book, My Journey Through Thailand Part I The First Steps. The changes include more details on how to get to some of these places, increasing the size of the photos and include more photos to some of the places to give readers a better viewing experience.

With the current travel restrictions, take an armchair tour instead. Join me in my journey through Thailand.

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Bangkok Mass Rapid Transit – fast and convenient travel

9 May 21

The Bangkok Mass Rapid Transit is the city's public transport system consisting of high-capacity electric passenger trains serving the city and linking the city to the suburbs in the neighbouring provinces.

This page is a consolidation of the information on the current major lines in service as well as the feeder services, in terms of general information, system maps, stations, service hours and ticketing.

Green Line in Thonburi

In addition, we will give readers a glimpse into the new lines due to come into operation in the near future.

The beautiful Sanam Chai Station on the MRT Blue Line

For more, please click on the link below.

Tour Bangkok Legacies – my first e-book

If you are an independent traveller, here's a handy e-guide book, Tour Bangkok Legacies, which will help you along as you explore the streets of Bangkok and discover its old treasures. It's complete with historical descriptions, maps and detailed directions on how to get to these places.

My Kindle e-book

Copyright@2008-2021 Tour Bangkok Legacies
All rights reserved

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Bangkok Legacies Bookstore – buy books online

26 March 21

Welcome to the Bangkok Legacies Bookstore, our online bookstore which features the books I have published both on Kindle and Smashwords in the course of my travels in Bangkok and Thailand.

These books are e-guide books for independent travelers to explore Bangkok and Thailand on their own. Or if they choose to, they can do a virtual tour from the comforts of their armchairs at home to share in my travel experiences.

Miniature dolls from the Bangkok Dolls Museum

Tour Bangkok Legacies – my first e-book

If you are an independent traveller, here's a handy e-guide book, Tour Bangkok Legacies, which will help you along as you explore the streets of Bangkok and discover its old treasures. It's complete with historical descriptions, maps and detailed directions on how to get to these places.

My Kindle e-book

My Journey through Thailand Part I - The First Steps

My Journey through Thailand Part I is the first in the series of travel journals on my trips to explore the various provinces in Thailand from late 2009 to mid-2013.

My Kindle e-book

A number of friends and readers have said that they preferred to read printed editions of books rather than e-books. Even though I'm a fan of e-books, I agree with their sentiment. E-books can a strain on the eyes.

My Kindle paperback edition

Read book reviews by readers who have read my books, download free e-book readers and get free samples of these books.

Enjoy a new experience in online shopping.

For more please click on the link below.

Copyright@2008-2021 Tour Bangkok Legacies
All rights reserved

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Suan Sampran – back to nature

9 March 21

Dear friends and readers, welcome back to the Bangkok Travelbug 2021. With the pandemic affecting our travel plans, we're not visiting enough places to keep up with writing monthly issues. So, it is with regret that I have to reduce my ezines to quarterly issues, every March, June, September and December.

Luckily, we still managed to visit a place in our neighbourhood recently that gave us something to write to you about.

Traditional house in Suan Sampran

Sometime in January 2021, we passed Suan Sampran not far from where we lived. I thought it was a public park. When I referred to the map, I found out that there was also a riverside resort and a market in in the vicinity.

The following weekend, we decided to visit Suan Sampran. It turned out to be more than what we expected. Besides the riverside resort and market, the place has an organic farm set in a traditional Thai village that provides the foundation for an organic farming movement and other cultural and eco-friendly activities.

Rice field in Suan Sampran

For more, please see, Suan Sampran – back to nature

Read what other subscribers have said about us, and subscribe to the Bangkok Travelbug.

Next month – I'm keeping this open to see what comes along. I'll think of something.

Tour Bangkok Legacies – my first e-book

If you are an independent traveller, here's a handy e-guide book, Tour Bangkok Legacies, which will help you along as you explore the streets of Bangkok and discover its old treasures. It's complete with historical descriptions, maps and detailed directions on how to get to these places.

My Kindle e-book

Copyright@2008-2021 Tour Bangkok Legacies

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Portuguese Embassy Bangkok – the first diplomatic mission


The Portuguese Embassy Bangkok is the oldest diplomatic mission in Thailand and represents 500 years of friendship and 200 years of diplomatic relations between the two countries.

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Ban Khun Phitak Borihan - the Green House

22 January 21

Dear friends and readers, welcome back to the Bangkok Travelbug in 2021. I'm afraid we have to restrict our travelling until further notice owing to the second wave of the Covid 19 pandemic emerging in Thailand.

Fortunately, we visited this place in Ayutthaya in November 2020 and haven't written about it yet. It's about a very old house on the banks of the River Noi in Phak Hai, Ayutthaya that is completely off the beaten track.

Ban Khun Phitak Borihan – the Green House

Let's take a look at this district in Ayutthaya, the owner and the house.

View of the house from the River Noi

For more, please see, Ban Khun Phitak Borihan

Read what other subscribers have said about us, and subscribe to the Bangkok Travelbug.

Next month – With pandemic, we are refraining from visiting other provinces. Here's an attraction right in our neighbourhood.

Suan Sam Phran

Tour Bangkok Legacies – my first e-book

If you are an independent traveller, here's a handy e-guide book, Tour Bangkok Legacies, which will help you along as you explore the streets of Bangkok and discover its old treasures. It's complete with historical descriptions, maps and detailed directions on how to get to these places.

My Kindle e-book

Copyright@2008-2021 Tour Bangkok Legacies
All rights reserved

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